Monday, November 23, 2009


I am so excited for Thanksgiving. I have many things to be grateful for... and trust me when I tell you, I have been thinking of my many blessings this past month.
1. My amazing hubby, Turtle... what would I do without him!
2. Two amazing little boys... who always keep me on my toes! Love ya boys!
3. Baby girl... I am SO excited!
4. My mom! I talk to her more than anyone else outside of my house!
5. My dad! I am grateful he survived his scare in June!
6. Turtle's fam... without them, what would Turtle be?
7. A Home. May not be the fanciest, but hey, I love it!
8. Turtle has a job.... HUGE BLESSING
There are many more... but these are just a few!
I wish there was more emphasis on Thanksgiving. Personally, it urks me when I go into a store, and Christmas music is playing the day after Halloween. It urks me to see Santa Clauses ALL OVER the valley when we haven't had one of the most important holidays of the year! I saddens me that kids these days ignore the holiday that we reflect on what we have, and only focus on the holiday where we get what we WANT! Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas too. I love the season, I love the family get togethers and parties etc, but I think Thanksgiving should be made a little more important~
In honor of THanksgiving, I have added the Turkey Song by Adam Sandler. It always cracks me up!
Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!

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