Two weeks ago, Turtle took on a major feat. When I say major, I mean M*A*J*O*R!
He decided to take the boys camping with the Elder's Quorum. He did this last year as well, but here is the kicker, it was raining cats and dogs! It had been raining all week long, and he knew that the weather would stay the same through the weekend. He braved the storm, and the boys and off they went!
Anyone who knows my hubby, knows he is great at improvising, and making due with what he has. Lots of rain and a rather nice tent probably wouldn't go over too well... the whole clean up scenario would be less than enjoyable, so he decided he and the boys would sleep in the Pilot. It worked BEAUTIFULLY! They stayed snug, warm, and DRY!
My boys had so much fun! They thought it was so cool to sleep in the car! They loved playing with the other boys in the neighborhood, and most of all having their dad all to themselves! I was pretty proud of the boys, and very happy that Turtle took them out! What an amazing daddy!
Check out my handsome boys!