Thursday, June 24, 2010

Growing on up!

Miss Courtney is four months old! Four months of solid fun! We are loving this little girl like crazy! What an amazing little spirit she has! Here are some facts about her...
She LOVES her binky. She won't take just any binky, it has to be the Soothie know the big rubber one that they give you in the hospital? Yeah, that's it, that is all she will take! I did find it in pink...she seems to be okay with that!
She is a good little eater, she eats about every three hours, sometimes 2 sometimes four hours, but usually every 3.
She is very easy going.
She loves to swing still! It's here favorite place to nap!
She loves to be held!
Her brothers make her smile at least a dozen times a day!
Each night she will sleep about 8 hours, then wake up, eat, and back to sleep for 2-3 hours.
She is now wearing 3-6 mos. clothes. I was quite sad to put the 0-3 size in a bin!
Her daddy is her favorite.
She has rolled over about 6 times in the past month. She doesn't do it everytime, but she is getting there.
She still let's me put bows, headbands, hats and bracelets on her!
She loves kisses from her daddy and her brothers.
She loves to be outside!

1 comment:

Clifton and Melinda said...

Oh my gosh Angie...she is so cute!!!!!