Thursday, September 22, 2011

Big Changes...

Crazy how time flies!
It seems as though Summer just started. Now it's over! Bummer! On a lighter note the boys are in school and love it for the most part.
Jake started 2nd grade (am I old enough for a second grader?) on the 29th of August. So far he is diggin' it. He has a good buddy Jayden in his class, and that makes the world a better place! He loves his friendship with Jayden. They both love to ride their bikes to school. They love to play Wii... typical Boys!
Jake has loved his new school at Fox Hollow. I thought he would struggle with the change in schools. Turns out, it is me that is struggling with not knowing anyone at the new school! Go figure! The homework Jake brings home is quite a bit more than last year. He doesn't love the homework, but he loves reading each night. At least he likes that! He is reading his first chapter book, and he loves it! He is reading Runaway Ralph by Beverly Cleary.
Joe started his second year at preschool! That kid is a character and a half! In the first week, he walked down to the preschool room called out to the teacher "Teacher Becky!!!!! The MAN is here!" (The Man is a title he earned last year.) He then proceeded to point to himself and say, "I am THE MAN!" Goodness... he gives us a good laugh! And a run for our money!
Courtney and I are enjoying some running time together while the boys are at school She is quite lost without the chaos in the house. But we are having fun playing dolls!

Pictures to come!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

LOL! Joey is so adorable! Jayden likes school too but he tells me he wished that there was more time to play with Jacob. I wish I was that age again. I'd love to have those kinds of problems.