1. He is reading like a champ! His favorite books are "The Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series.
2. He loves to ride his bike. He has had his bike for just over 2 years, and I am probably not exaggerating to say he has ridden his bike over 100 miles.
3. He loves Soccer! This Spring was his first season playing formal soccer and he did FANTASTIC!
4. His favorite buddies are Zack & Greyson and Jayden.
5. He loves to read the scriptures with Dad! His favorite scripture story is Daniel and the Lions Den.
6. Jake excels in Math. He knows about 90% of his multiplication tables.
7. Red Enchiladas (beef) are a sure fire way to put a big smile on his face!
8. Jake loves to take care of Magellan. Whenever we go for walks, it is Jake with the leash. He and Magellan are very close to one another!
9. Jake has a very special bond with Dad and Grandpa!
10. Jake loves to go to the cabin at Bear Lake.
11. Jake has an amazing faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jake has been counting down the months, weeks and days until he was able to be baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! What a special day! The Spirit was very strong that day, and I knew that Jake had made this choice on his own. He was so excited to make that commitment. He mentioned during that day that he was perfectly clean! As his parents it was a great experience to see the brightness in his countenance! I am so proud of him. We had a small get together/luncheon for him. He was so happy that all of his grandparents were there! He loves seeing them all at the same time! He loved having his Aunt Heidi, cousin Torrie and his special friends Jayden and Ashton came too, it really made him feel special to have them there.
Jake is an amazing kid and we are so grateful for him! He teaches us all lessons everyday. We love you Jacob Strevell!
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