Thursday, September 10, 2009

Another First!

Yep... Jaker started his second Kindergarten at Little Learners Academy. Honestly, I am SO excited for him! He is going to learn so much with Miss Christiansen, and at the same time, he is going to have so MUCH FUN!!!! I am really excited for him. There are 14 students in his class. If that isn't the most optimal situation, I don't know what is!!!! He is already making friends in his new school, and he still misses his Mrs. Parker at Oakcrest! (He's off track.. yeah ALREADY!)

People think it is crazy to have him in two schools. I get reactions like... "Oh you must really be trying to ship him off." I assure you, that is not the reason at all! There are benefits to both schools.
Oakcrest Pros:
Going to school with friends in the neighborhood.
Becoming familiar with large crowds, and assemblies (which he is not too fond of.)
Getting extra help he needs with speech and occupational therapy.
Learning to adapt to a public school setting. (Heaven knows we can't afford Private school forever!)

Little Learners Pros:
Super small class size. (14 students in a class??? BEAT THAT!)
Musical based learning... Jaker digs it!
More one on one teaching.

Here is a picture of him at his new desk. He was able to choose where he wanted to sit. Notice he sat between TWO cute girls! He's a flirt, what can I say???

If I could be a personal spokesperson for Little Learners, I would. They worked so hard with Jaker last year and he made phenomenal progress! It was amazing to see the improvements in his speech, letter recognition, sounds, and socializing skills. I am so grateful that I am able to have him in there for another year. It wouldn't be possible if there weren't angels out there (you know who you are) helping us! THANK YOU!

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