Saturday, September 5, 2009


Just on the blog, not on me. Besides if I were to have any plastic surgery, I have a few areas that need more help (i.e toosh...gut.. you get the picture!)
I just found a new website that I LOVE! Its Have to admit, I love their styles. Simplistic, cutesy, feminine, and absolutely ADORABLE! I found some awesome backgrounds and voila... here's the new blog!
I put some tunes on from my younger years. These are songs that bring back memories. Some from when I was just little... you know the good stuff that my parents listened to. Neil Diamond, Air Supply... they always take me back to the road trips we had. My sister and I used to drive my parents CRAZY asking them to replay that song... after about 10 times of listening to the same song, we had to change it! I wish I could say I have outgrown the need to replay the same song over and over... but... NOPE! Still do it! Now I drive my husband crazy!
Other stuff reminds me of Jr. High and High School. Cranberries is huge! I loved them back then. I rediscovered this love last weekend when we were flipping through channels on the way back from Bear Lake. So I had to add them too! If you hate the tunes... sorry. I'm not changing them anytime soon!


Joni said...

Love the background! Love the music! You replay songs over and over too?! You just can't listen to a great song too many times in a row! ; )

Alisa said...

Hey there! Wow...Disneyland, huh? I've never been! Oh, and the deck looks fantastic! Just great!! Hope all is well!