Sunday, February 7, 2010


This weekend was one of those that you sit back, take a deep breath and say... "Ahhhhhhhhhh."
Yes, it was that good!
Friday night we had all the fam over for supper to celebrate Little Joey's third Birthday! I can't believe he is going to be three tomorrow! My goodness! What happened to my little baby??? He had a great time being the center of attention! We had Lasagna, Salad and Garlic Bread for dinner. My favorite kind of meal, and definitely one the kiddos enjoy! Then it was time for gifts! Talk about major SPOILAGE! My kids definitely don't do with out with the amount of family who loves them! Joe loved getting new clothes, new toys and of course a small handheld fan that lit up. Not only was it just a fan, but it had a Sucker attached. No really! I am serious! Joe was pretty fascinated all night!

Then it was time for Cake and Ice Cream. Anyone who knows my boys, knows they don't waste their cake. It's not a subject they take lightly either. When they get cake, they dig right in... completely devoured in literally 30 seconds flat. Joe loves the Bumblebee car. He has seen the Transformer's movie, but let's face it, he's is only three... not likely that he actually understands the movie... (Okay maybe he does, but I surely DO NOT!) So I decided to make him a bumblebee cake. It's kind of a poor excuse for a cake, but hey I free handed it... so I am giving myself a little pat on the back!
What the family and the boys didn't finish, Magellan took upon himself to devour which was about the rear 30% of the cake. What TWIT! He's working hard to move out on his own, I'm telling you!
Yesterday, we took my Sister In Law to lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. One word sums it up... YUM! Totally delish! Loved every bite. I even liked the small amount of cheesecake that I tried. (Yes ladies and gents, I am so not a fan of cheesecake! GASP!!!)
After I got back from lunch, I headed off to Bunco for a good time with good friends! I really love these girls! We have been playing just under 10 years now (Time Flies!) and it is always a riot. There's at least one of us that almost loses control of their bladder from excessive laughing! The best part... NO ONE IS DRUNK!~

From L To R: Shelisa, Me, Brandy, Nicole, Amber, Sandi and Leslee! We missed you Jen!


Kori said...

I love the cake! You did a great job! I can't believe Joey is 3 either. They grow up way too fast!

leadatortilla said...

Wowee - he's 3!!?? And I think your cake was AMAZING.... what a lucky kid to have such a cool cake!

Alisa said...

A sorry excuse for a cake?! Are you kidding me?! I couldn't do that in my WILDEST dreams!!!

Jayme said...

Angie your cake was amazing!!!! And I actually dont like cheesecake either. Thanks for the bday wish! We need to get together soon!!! Let me know!!

Greg and Lara said...

Wow, amazing cake! I am SO IMPRESSED!!!!