Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Peer Pressure!

Growing up, I always thought that peer pressure was a bad thing! The attitude was always "Ooooohhh don't hang out with those kids you'll end up drinking/smoking/sluffing/ whatever..."
Maybe it's because I idolized my brother growing up, and let's just say... well, let's just leave it at that!
This week we had an experience with my Jacob. No, he didn't get in trouble... this was a good thing! Monday we were over at my friends house who happens to be the mom of one of Jake's good friends, Ethan. The boys go to different schools, but are both in Kindergarten. Ethan's mommy, Kristi, told Ethan he needed to do his homework. Jake saw this, and said, "Hey! I have homework TOO!" (Yeah, he was excited about it!) He sits down with Ethan without a fight and starts writing his spelling words.
As the homework session goes on, he hears Ethan reading. Jake decides to take out his reading book and starts going to down. The kid was READING!!! Like READING!!! Sounding out the word, blending it... the whole nine yards! Man I am proud of him! He has made some amazing progess!
I think I need to have him do homework with his friends more often! Talk about PEER PRESSURE!


Andrea Griggs said...

That's awesome-yay, Jake!! I need some of that peer pressure over here. :)

leadatortilla said...

I guess we all need peer pressure to keep us motivated! Go Jake! And keep hanging out with that friend!

Julie S said...

Love the photo of your boys with new baby sister. BTW, did you receive the quilt that I mailed to you? Worried it may have been lost in the mail...

Angie said...

Absolutely Julie! It is BEAUTIFUL!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I need to take some lessons!!! I love it! I am so sorry I haven't been real good about getting thank you's out timely! I absolutely love the quilt! I hope you guys can make it on Sunday!
Love ya!

watsonshuffle said...

There is definitely two kinds of peer pressure...I'm glad this was the good kind. Your little courtney is beautiful. I can't wait to see her in person. I wanted to come take a peak when you brought her to church last but primary stuff got in the way. Next time!

Alisa said...

That kind of peer pressure IS the best! It works for eating healthy food, too!