Lately I have been thinking about how things were when I was a kid. We had an Atari growing up. It was awesome. How often did we play it? Once in a while. I would guess maybe an 3-5 hours per month, every other month, not a bunch. We had the Nintendo, you know the first one. Once again, we played it very minimally by today's standards. In fact, I still have the Nintendo. It has been in the original box/styrofoam, etc. Crazy eh?
So what did we do for fun? I for one, rode my bike. EVERYWHERE! I played outside pretty much all day long. Jumping on the trampoline, riding my scooter (which I still have), riding my bike, playing "Steal the Flag" or a nice game of softball in my parent's cul-de-sac, were my personal faves. In the winter time, we would make slides in my parent's backyard. One time we made a slide that had a jump that landed in the pit where the trampoline was during the summer. We would spend hours! My mom would have to drag us inside. It was great!
I want my kids to have the same type of life. I am looking forward to cooler temperatures... where we can find changing leaves, make snow angels, snow men, and my personal favorite SLIDES!
The past few days have had some not so optimal weather. I built a little Marble run for Joe and he LOVED it! These bring back memories of what we used to do when I was a kid! Forget all the automated toys with obnoxious noises/sound effects! Give me a marble run any day! Check out how entertained Joe was with that Marble Run!
He played with this thing for HOURS!
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