Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Miss Courtney at 6 Months!!!

It's official! Miss Courtney is SIX MONTHS OLD!

Time is flying and we are having so much fun! I love babies at this age!

We took little Courtney in for her 6 month check up! She is 13 lbs. 8.5 oz. Just to give you an idea of how shocking this is to me, when Jake and Joe were six months old, they both weighed 18+ lbs. She is definitely small and dainty! She is 24 1/2 inches long. So, in the grand scheme of things she is in the 12th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for height.
She is more and more fun everyday!
She can now sit up for about a minute or two on her own.
She loves to jabber, just like her mother.
She is rolling all over the place.
Magellan is the king of getting this little princess to laugh hysterically!
Her sleeping patterns are pretty much unchanged.She is eating solids. So far she LOVES sweet potatoes, apples and bananas, and she will tolerate carrots. Green beans, well, those are just nasty to her.
She is a bundle of fun and we just love her to pieces!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures! You two make beautiful children! :)