Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Big Split...

I did it. I made my decision. I am going to stick it out this time. No more looking back the future is brighter now... that's right folks I have made a choice to divorce FACEBOOK! I know I will miss it. We had good times. I enjoyed the companionship of all my cyber friends. Late night chats with my good friend Kristi, catching up with old friends, checking out how all my friends have changed, oh and who doesn't love checking out the old pictures people post. As if that wasn't enough to miss... what about Bejeweled... Bejeweled, and BEJEWELED! Whatever will I do to fill the time I wasted with you Bejeweled? I will have time to finish my laundry, maybe time for yard work even.
Believe it or not, it has been a tough 36 hours. For some strange reason, I thoroughly enjoy reading updates. Random silly updates, serious updates... it occupied my time. While I loved the factors above, it caused a lot of turmoil. Things written don't always come across as you mean them. The human factor was missing. I think I made the right choice. As Turtle would say, "I don't have a Facebook account, and look, I AM STILL ALIVE!"
I think life will be better after facebook!

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