Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Year Old! ALREADY!!!

Courtney Turned ONE!!! What a fun year we have had with Sister Sue! She is so much fun! She is growing up so fast! She has her own little personality and I love it! She is a bit of a Hot Head! If she doesn't like something, she will definitely let you know! She loves to play with Magellan and her two big brothers! She loves to play in Tupperware (just like Mommy!) and loves to eat! She loves to play in her hairbows, and remove her socks and throw them! She enjoys watching others pick things up for her, so she can throw them all over again! She loves her dolls, and particularly loves dishes!
At her one year appointment she weighed 17 lbs 6oz. and was 27.5 inches long. She is very skinny and petite!
I am so grateful for this precious baby girl!

1 comment:

Alisa said...

what a perfect photo! Oh, so funny about the "chicken" talk, etc!