Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wah Wah WAH!!!!

Okay... it's 10:30 at night, and I have to vent! Honestly, I think the kids are gonna drive me to DRINK! What is up with all the whining??? It's as if one is doing it, the other has to too! If one is upset the other is upset too, just to compete with the other! What is the deal???? I am ready to be committed!!!
Tonight we went to Lowe's. I really wanted some new plants for my sad planter in front of my house. I was going to do the trip to Lowes with the kids all alone, but luckily Turtle got out of EQ early, and so he joined us. I kid you not, the boys were so whiney when they were together... separated they are fine, but together, oh Heaven HELP ME! Luckily Turtle took one and I took the other and we went our separate ways...but once we met up at the end, it was really time to go! After the excursion to Lowes I got a frosty. Really, is it too much to ask to have a frosty all to myself??? Do I really have to share the one treat I get in a week? I was so frustrated. The whole way home all we heard was... "I want some. Mom, can I have some?, I really really want some mom! I wanna bite, want some mommy..." The WHOLE way home! Never mind the fact that they had their own icecream earlier! Am I a bad mom, because I don't always want to share? I have to share my soda with them, my Crystal Light, if I have anything... they get some too! Sometimes, I feel guilty because I DON'T WANNA SHARE!
There, I got that off my chest! WHEW!


Kara said...

I feel your pain. We have a rule at our house: I don't share my food. I am more than willing to buy the boys or Justin their own, but I DO NOT share my food. I have a really bad relationship with food (can you tell!?).

Breezy said...

I completely understand how you feel. My girls have their whiny days and bed time does not come early enough on those days (I usually move bedtime up). It is so hard on a Mom.

Moleff Family! said...

Your hilarious, and i think it is perfectly fine to have something for yourself and only yourself!

Tamra said...

I think they are suppose to drive you to drink because I really believe I'd be a better mom if I had just one glass of something strong in the afternoon just as whining hour commenced. Good luck with the sharing your food thing. I have 5 kids and with every meal/snack each child that can walk comes to my plate and stares or begs for a bite even if their plate looks identical to mine. By the end of my food I just want to throw it on them and run to any room with a locking door.