Wednesday, April 29, 2009

One Proud Mommy!

Today was the day for the monthly Field Trip at Little Learners. Oh how I dreaded it! Any of you that know little Jaker, you know he doesn't exactly thrive on new environments. He isn't one to love being in a HUGE crowd of people, with lots of noise and commotion. Usually the field trip days end up in a conversation something like this...
J: Mom... where you goin?
Me: We are going to your Field trip.
J: But I don't WANNA GO! (in the whiney voice, hence the italics)
Me: Jaker this will be so much fun you will love it!
J: No, I wanna go to preschool.
Me: This is preschool.
J: Can we go home now?
Me: We haven't even gotten there yet.
J: But I don't WANNA GO! (now with the water works included.)
And on and on it goes!
This month the preschool was learning about the solar system. This struck some interest in my little dude. He loved learning about the planets, and rockets. He will even inform you (very politely of course) that the sun is not a planet, it is a REALLY HOT star. He also likes to tell you that we live on earth, and that Mercury is too hot to live on....Yeah tell me my kid doesn't like to learn!
So today was the day. Destination: Clark Planetarium.
I decided to get smart, and invite Gramma Sue. She's amazing and for some reason if she is around my kids are angels. Jaker was so excited! He was happy that a.) Gramma was coming with, b.) he got to see the planets, and c.) really happy that Gramma was coming along.
We got to the Clark Planetarium, opened the doors, and holy cow talk about massive amounts of PEOPLE! I was expecting a MELTDOWN! A FIT! A "I wanna go home right now!" conversation. But... IT DIDN'T HAPPEN! Jaker did FANTASTIC! We even went into the theater room where they do the shows, perfect scenario for a meltdown with Jaker, and you know what... IT DIDN'T HAPPEN! I was so proud of him! He was happy as can be! He was happy to be with all of his friends from school... Boy, my kid is really growing up on me! He is such a little superstar!
After our fieldtrip adventure, it was off to swimming lessons. Both the boys were ZONKED in the car. I contemplated just taking them home to snooze, but decided Jaker would be very angry if he missed his time in the pool... So off to swimming. Jaker did great! He has passed TOTS I and is starting TOTS II next Monday! What FUN!

Thanks Mumsy for joining me on the adventure! You made the adventure so much fun for the boys!


leadatortilla said...

Yeah Jakers! That's great that he handled the field trip in stride! WAY TO GO mommy for thinking of a good way to help him! (mumsy rocks!)

Moonpie's Mom said...

Congratulations!! happy late bithday! Congrats on the Marathon, i am so proud of you and excited to say, i know someone in the marathon. Gellan is NOT FLUFFY! you need to bring him over Cole misses him!

Tamra said...

What a fantastically patient mommy you are! I've deciding parenting is all about preventative measures (and endurance). I know which kid will melt down about what, and find myself always trying to plan ahead to help them so they don't have to have the melt down.