Sunday, June 14, 2009

Graduated??? REALLY???

Wednesday, we attended Jaker's graduation from Little Learners! Holy cow this year has flown by. It is amazing to see how much this little boy has learned! He has grown up so much! I am so proud of him! Before the passing out of certificates, all the children performed songs... they were songs from the 50's! Seriously, it was the cutest performance ever! Jaker loved every minute of it! I am telling you... that kid LOVES TO ENTERTAIN! (I secretly think he got that from his mother!)
I had so many favorite moments of his program, so I will just name a few!
  • All the children walked on the stage one at a time. As they came on stage, each of them went to the microphone to introduce them self. Some were really shy, but not my Jaker, he talked right into the microphone and said, "My name is Jacob NADAULD!"
  • He loved singing the song about the five power letters. He would shout out and over accentuate each vowel.
  • He was waving between songs to his grammas. He even pointed out to his classmates.... "Look, there's my GRAMMA!"
  • When each child went to get their certificates, the teacher, Miss Lani would say one thing about each child. She mentioned that Jaker had the hots for a little gal in his class. He was once overheard saying "SHE'S HOT!!!" (no he didn't learn that from me!)
  • He was also crowned most improved student!

I am so proud of my little Jaker! He has made amazing progress! He works hard and is learning lots! I love ya little Jaker! Keep up the good work!

1 comment:

Joni said...

Yeah Jake!

He's worked really hard this past year and is doing very well!

LOVE the ink! ; )