Thursday, December 17, 2009

Home??? What's that?

We have been SO SO Busy this month! It seems as though we have something going on pretty much EVERY NIGHT! Okay, I am exaggerating, but wow, we have been busy. Between company parties, parties with friends, hosting Bunco, a night of Kurt Bestor, Awards Banquets, who has time to shop for Christmas!
We have had so much fun this month. The company party this year was at the Flagship OC Tanner store (the store that won the award for Turtle!). It was truly exquisite! What a beautiful building inside and out. It was so enchanting! Being around jewelry of that caliber was....BREATHTAKING! After looking at some price tags, we could sell our home, and maybe be able to afford, A NECKLACE! Yeah, it is that expensive. But very beautiful nonetheless.
We had a great time spending last Friday evening with Turtle's ole buddies from High School. In the 12 years Turtle and I have been together, I have gotten to know these guys, and their wives. They are all so dang funny! I was able to witness first hand the six (YES SIX!) grown men watch the screen saver for the DVD player. Honestly, I think we all have gotten our healthy dose of The Office! The food was fabulous! The home was even more beautiful than I imagined! It was a lovely evening, full of great food, fun company, and of course lots of laughs! We had the chance to see a small clip of what the guys were like in 1999.... let's just say, they haven't changed a bit.
Saturday we saw Kurt Bestor at the Abravenel Hall. Every year, I am amazed at this man's talent. I love his music. I remember when I was in High School, my mother would blare his music through the house, and I couldn't STAND IT! UGH! (sorry Mom! It's true!) I thought it was so annoying. But now, I LOVE IT! He is so talented! Watching him perform truly is entertaining! What an amazing musician! His music just gets me. He has one song that literally brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it... any guesses on which one?
Between babysitting, school work and of course the shopping, in addition to the extra activities of December, my house has pretty much been neglected! It is pretty dirty, and I am pretty embarrassed about it! But hey, at least we are having a great time!

1 comment:

Tamra said...

Many weeks I feel like I am just surviving while I wait for life to slow down again. It never seems to slow down, I must just be gettig better at adjusting. sounds like you've had a fun month though.