Thursday, January 7, 2010

Breaking News!!!!

Warning!!!! Potty talk is contained in this message!
Yep! That's right Joe is Potty TRAINED! He is doing AWESOME! We started the week of Christmas. (Yes, I had completely lost my mind!) As if all the hustle and bustle of getting everything ready wasn't enough, I decided that was the week to start working on saying goodbye to the diapers. Turtle and I knew Joe was ready... he didn't think he was, but we were pretty certain he was. Something about him going in his room, closing the door, and doing his business then coming out when he was done gave us the hint that it was time.
I decided to do something I didn't do for the Jake man. I decided to buy one of those fancy shmancy musical potties. You know, the one that plays a cheer for you everytime you go potty! Joe had had some bad experiences with the "Big" potty, so I thought this was the only way to go. Luckily it worked. He completely dug it! It would play a cheer and he would just beam with laughter and pride! He learned how to make himself go, he thought that was pretty nifty.
For the next week or so, he would have accidents. Each time he would come to me and say, "It wasn't my fault!" I secretly laughed inside, because I could see myself saying that as a kid too! But he was still trying, and he would go #1. Now for the other half of business. This really scared him. I don't know why he was so frightened, but he was. He would hold it for DAYS! Like three days! I would put a diaper on him just so he would go because I didn't want him to get sick. That worked for a couple of days, but then he was back to holding it in. Finally... he DID IT! It was 12:55am on Tuesday of this week... but he DID IT! I was so excited! I thought! YES!!! We have made a breakthrough! Tuesday he still struggled with it... but Dad came home, and worked some magic and he DID IT AGAIN! Then Yesterday, he became a full fledged, self proclaimed "POOPIN MACHINE!" He has done phenomenal. He wakes up when he has to go to the potty. He does this all on his own! My goodness! I am so proud of him!
A special thanks to big brother Jake.... he would entice and bribe Joe with anything he could to get him to do the business! He would offer his Optimus Prime for an entire FIVE MINUTES if Joe would do his business! Jake would cheer and clap and celebrate Joe's every accomplishment!I am so proud of both my boys!
And to add to all the excitement! I AM DIAPER FREE!!! For another 6-8 weeks!

1 comment:

leadatortilla said...

THAT ROCKS!!! and I'm sooooooooo happy for your relief. You actually get a BREAK before the baby.... that sounds like fun! (the break, not the potty training!)