Thursday, January 28, 2010

What a difference a couple weeks makes....

Jake went back on track for Kindergarten at the beginning of January. I thought he would be so excited to go back to school. He loved school... he loved his friends, his teacher, being away from home, being the big kid... he loved everything about school. But to my surprise, he wasn't too excited. Every morning was a fight. He would squawk, he would squirm, he would tell me he didn't want to go to school, he wanted to stay home, he didn't have time for school. The list goes on and on.
I started resorting to bribery. Terrible I know, but hey if it works, I am so going to do it! So every morning, I would tell him if he went to school, he could play Lego Star Wars with dad on the PS2 when dad came home from work. This worked for a couple of days, but he still just wanted to stay home. Too bad for him, I am a tough momma and he HAS to go to school, that is unless of course he is ill, then I would let him stay home.
Fast forward to this week... he has been back in school going on a month. I don't know what happened but Tuesday I went in to wake him up for school. He rubs his eyes, lifts his head from his nice warm pillow and asks.... "Is it Kindergarten today?"
I am prepping for a huge fight and I said, "Sure is Jake!"
He jumps up looks at me and says "YESSSSSS!!!!"
Yesterday, he woke up early, I didn't have to go in and wake him. He got up, came and got me and told me he wanted to have Oytmeal for breakfast (that's how he pronounces it, it makes me smile so I don't correct him! BAD MOMMY!) I go to the kitchen, and prepare his breakfast. He comes in a couple minutes later, fully dressed, shoes and socks are on, and ready to go. He sits down, eats his breakfast and asks me to comb his hair.
I don't know what happened to change his mind! But frankly I am happy as ever! He is back to his old self when it comes to school. I hope it lasts! This is by far the hardest part of Year Round school!


Alisa said...

Wow--talk about changing his mind over and over!! Glad to hear he's enjoying it, again!

leadatortilla said...

Ang - that's a cute new pic at the top! And I'm so glad that Jake has changed his mind. I've been fighting Cole since we got back from break and I hope he changes his mind soon. He wants to play on the playground again (which the teacher isn't doing since the air is gross and cold). Priorities....