Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Do you see what I see?

Yesterday I had an appointment with my OB. It went really well. My Little Girl's heart was beating strong, and she was swatting at the little tool he uses to hear the heart beat! (Fiesty like her mother!) These past few weeks, I have had some pretty bad anxiety. I worry about just about everything. What if she is born a boy (not that I would love her any less, but I have been preparing for a GIRL!) What if she has a heart defect? What if, What IF, WHAT IF!!! To top it off, I have had a cold that has lingered for the past three weeks or so. With it came congestion and that yucky gooey throat feeling, add Little Missy pushing up on my lungs and I start freaking out that I can't breathe! Needless to say I have been a bit of an emotional mess. (Trust me, I have been, you can ask Turtle or my Mom, I am pretty sure they will back me on this one!)
Back to the appointment, I told my Dr. about this anxiety I am having. It's unreal! I broke into tears in his office, and he told me that the best thing to do would be to let me see this little girl via ultrasound. He got me right in with the Sonographer, and VOILA! I got to see this little princess. She is Healthy! She moves alot (although I don't feel her like I did the boys!) and she is growing... FAST! In fact they estimate she weighs about 4 lbs 12 oz. right now! Ummmm YEAH, I still have 7 weeks til the due date! She is going to take after her brothers!
The sonographer was FANTASTIC! I love this lady! She has done all the ultrasounds for all three of my pregnancies, and honestly, she is great! She lets me ask questions (nothing is too dumb to ask her!) she even took a 3D pic of my little girl! This is what she looked like yesterday!

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Congrats on the brief break of being diaper-free, and on the beautiful growing girl inside of you! So exciting!!