Thursday, September 23, 2010

Aye Aye Cap'n!

Over Labor Day, the whole family went up to the Turtle's family cabin in Bear Lake. We had fun with a few little setbacks (like no running water for the first 12 hours, and Magellan picking fights with dogs twice his size) but overall it was fun to spend time together as a family.

One of the days up there, we took the children out on the boat along with the dog. This was a first for Courtney and Magellan. The boys have been on the boat so much it is second nature to them, they know where to sit, how to sit and often tell me what to do!

Courtney was not a fan. Let me repeat that, NOT A FAN! The life jacket, the noise, the bumpiness, the wind, everything, wasn't too appealing to her. Once she fell asleep she was fine, but whew! She was not happy!

Magellan on the otherhand was happy as a clam! Turtle was working on burning up the old gas in the boat, so he had a decent speed, and Magellan had his front legs over the front of the boat just taking in the splash. I guess it is all in his name!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Poor Courtney,maybe next year she'll like it.