Monday, September 13, 2010


I want to write this down, because Turtle and I find this humorous each and every day...
Our children are quite demanding. They have wants and they make sure we know about them. EACH. AND. EVERY. DAY.
For example, every morning, (and I mean EVERY MORNING) Joe wakes up and comes in our room, if he isn't in our bed already and makes his first request. The first thing out of his mouth isn't, "Hi Mom and Dad!," "Good Morning," or even "wake up," this is what it is verbatum...
"I want you to turn on a Cartoon and get me some milk." EVERY SINGLE MORNING.
Jake is an exceptionally finicky eater. When I say finicky, I mean EXTREMELY finicky. In fact 85% of the time I make supper, I am pretty sure he isn't going to eat it. For example.... If I am making enchiladas, he must specify that he will NOT eat CHICKEN! When I ask him why? He explains that chicken is slimy like a stingray. If I mention that he likes chicken nuggets from McDonalds, he will very politely inform me that "Chicken Nuggets is not real chicken." While I am sure there is some truth to this statement, it is difficult for Turtle and I to not bust out laughing.
Courtney is little. However, at 6 months old, she makes it very clear what is and isn't satisfactory with her. She will not just hang out in her carseat in play with toys. Instead she wiggles, and fidgets, until she has maneuvered out of the carseat (when she is not in the car of course.) If she is strapped in, and not in the car, she turns red in the face and growls until I get her out.
I love that the kids are so willing to speak their piece. While it does get frustrating and stressful at times, I am happy to be able to share the days with them.


Alisa said...

hysterical! I'm glad I'm not the only one with demanding children. I always say, "Is that a QUESTION?"...then they rephrase and ASK, instead of demand. Oh...but they still haven't learned to ASK in the first place :-)

leadatortilla said...

I'm so glad that I'm not the ONLY one with demanding and picky eater kids!! My boys refuse chicken too - and I say - THIS IS LIFE!! And they make their demands and cry that we make food they don't like like... ummmm, I'm not having quesidillas, hotdogs, and mac-n-cheese for dinner too!!!. Anyhoo - thanks for sharing and for listening to my little pout too!