Thursday, January 22, 2009

Does it get any better?

This week has been a tough one. Okay, so this month has been a tough one for me. What is the deal? It seems as though it all falls at the same time. I have been getting so frustrated, I snap at the kids, and sometimes I wonder if I need to go back to work... It has been that kind of month.
As many of you know, JS has developmental delays. I think the reality of his situation just hit me. I am so grateful that he is healthy and happy. At the same time, I so badly want him to be like all the other kids his age. I so badly want him to be able to enjoy the circus without trembling in absolute terror. I want to be able to go "Walk With the Dinosaurs, the Dinosaur museum, the fire station for field trips, and know that he will be okay. Know that he won't be scared, that he will understand that he isn't going to get hurt. More than anything, I want him to enjoy the many things there are to enjoy at his age. I want more than anything to know that I can send him to Kindergarten in August and he is going to do FABULOUS. I want to know that he will feel comfortable being around lots of kids... Don't get me wrong, I know that things could be so much worse, but I worry for his sake. I love that little kid more than anything, I just want him to be happy.
In my case, it seems as though things all happen at the same time. I wonder if it hast to do with the crappy weather... Ugh! I want some clear skies and sunshine.


leadatortilla said...

Hey girlee... I know you are worried about your little guy. I think there are great teachers in his future who are going to be patient and loving with him - no matter his struggles. Hang in there. You are his best defender and advocate - keep it up, moms know best.

Clifton and Melinda said...

I am so sorry that you are struggling my friend. I wish I could offer some help...I think that your little boy is absolutely darling and that you are a great mommy...keep doing what you are doing and the Lord will bless you :)

Tamra said...

I am sorry you are feeling so frustrated. You sweet son is going to turn out fabulous because you love him so much. Every child comes with their unique concerns. I have one that has a handful of "issues" and I too worry non-stop about how best to work with those concerns and help the kid-o make it in school and socially. If nothing else I want my kids to know that I fought for them and that even though I may have been tired and grouchy sometimes, it was because I wore myself out trying to do what was best for them and fought the battles they were too young to fight themselves. Keep going and if you need to talk, please call!

Jensens said...

Come visit me in Arizona... the 70 degree weather and bright sun would do you some good! I'm sorry you are struggling. You have an adorable little boy who will be able to face any battle with you in his corner!

Joni said...

I agree with Lea, moms know best!