Monday, February 2, 2009


Can I just say (well of course I can it's my blog Duh!) My kids give the best hugs in the whole world! Seriously... you should try them out. They aren't the wimpy lean in hugs, they are full fledged, embrace, little squeeze, "I sincerely mean it" hugs. JS gives the most. When I strap him in his car seat (I do that alot! something about stir crazy in a messy house) he ALWAYS gives me a hug and says "Luv ya mom." JA not so much... but he does say thank you! I pretty much have to bribe the little monster to give me hugs with things like sips of my Coke ( I am totally going to hell for this), chips, his blankie, his milk, or the occasional threat of tickling to the point of absolute uncontrollable laughter. But when JA does give hugs... oh my goodness... it's worth all the bribing!
I think this is why God put these little humans in our families. They teach us how to hug. They teach us how to hug, and to be sincere about it. They don't know how to use sarcasm (although I get the feeling my kids are going to be learning that aspect of life pretty dang quick!). They say what they think, and they mean what the say. How often in life do we curb our tongue. How often do we not express our opinions for fear of being looked at as being judgemental, or completely off our rocker. I love the fact that my kids are brutally honest. Most of the kids in my life are, and I love it! I look up to my little dudes... They seriously kick major toosh. They don't have any qualms with telling people they love 'em, blowing kisses (JA is the little Charmer) or saying that they didn't like something I, or anyone said or did! (JS you rock at this!)
At the same time these little monsters are quick to forgive. They don't hold a grudge. I could really follow this example. (key word, could but not usually.) If I did, I know I would be a better person!

So here's my idea... I think we should all immature a bit (or is it mature) and act as our children do.... Don't ya think the world would be a better place? I know it says something about this in the scriptures, but I am not that spiritual to know where it is quoted!
Have a good day all, and enjoy this pic!
Honestly, I love the cheesy pic! He is trying to fake smile... Didn't work.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Your kids give you HUGS when you strap them in carseats? Way to go, Mommy!! (mine give me kicks and punches!) I'm jealous!! And yes, we could all benefit from acting more childlike (that is, unless we're talking about my kids...haha)!