Tuesday, January 6, 2009


After five months I FINALLY got my hair done... Yes it has really been that long! I was so fed up with the hair in a pony tail everyday, that I decided to cut it, SHORT! This is about as short as I have ever cut it, and I love it! I decided against the A-line since I have had that hairdo for the past year, now it is just a nice blunt BOB! I love love LOVE IT! It is super dark, and I am still shocked when I look in the mirror, but I love it!


Jensens said...

What a HOTTIE!!! Very cute!

Marinda said...

How fun, very cute.

Jayme said...

I absolutely LOVE it!!! You look WAY TOO HOT!!!!

Alisa said...

Looks cute! I want to see more photos!

Heart Mommy said...

Cute!!!! I love it!

Sara said...

I like it. I just don't have the guts to do it myself. Very cute.

Swain Family said...

very cute

Greg and Lara said...

Love the hair! You look wonderful!

Joni said...

You look great! Thank you for sharing a picture!

Kristan said...

I forgot to mention the other day how cute I think your hair is. Once I lose some more baby weight I will be doing the same. Short hair is so sassy!I just posted on my blog, so check it out.