Sunday, June 7, 2009


I feel it necessary to share my confirmation this past week. I have always had a strong faith in prayer. It has always worked for me. My first memory of prayer occurred when I was a young girl, maybe 10 or so, I remember being involved in the Nutcracker. My best friend Nicole was coming with my parents and I to see the big performance. We were messing around talking in my room, when all the sudden she discovered she couldn't find her money to get into the show. I remember we sat down and said a quick prayer that she would find it. We kept looking and looking, and I remember saying that maybe it was in her shoe. It was a random thought, but sure enough, that was where the money was. I remember that night... and many times since then that prayers have been answered for me. I'm not a huge spiritual giant. In fact, I am not real spiritual at all. I try to do the right thing, and I pray in my heart all the time. I read scriptures every now and then, and I do my best to stay focused at church, and learn what has been prepared.
But this week, I have to say, I know that God has heard my prayers. Truly he has. There is no doubt in my mind that He has. For instance, when I got the phone call on Tuesday morning.... I remained calm. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am not a calm person. Quite the opposite actually. But I was calm. I told myself, things are okay right now. Dad is still here, he is in a great hospital, and they will do whatever they can to make him whole again. Later in the day, got more news. It wasn't good, but once again, I had that reassurance, things were gonna be okay. Was I upset? ABSOLUTELY! But I prayed, in my heart that things would be okay. Jaker said a little prayer for Grampa. I told him Grampa had a broken heart, and Doctors were gonna fix it... we said a quick prayer. Jaker was at peace. He is only five, but boy that kid has a lot of faith in prayer... it's like he knows it's gonna be fine, because he prayed.
Fastforward to tonight.
I went to visit my Dad. Wow! He looks FANTASTIC! He is energetic. He is eating! He is feeling great! (considering the circumstances.) As I was visiting him, his boss and her husband came in. We all chit chatted. I visited with her and she told me about how there were so many people praying for my good pops. So many people had him in their thoughts! Wow! There are lots of people who care about my dad!
As I drove home, I thought about prayer. There were lots of different people praying for my Dad. All of which are different religions. I know his boss is Greek. His sisters are Jehovah Witness, and Methodist. I am LDS. My Mother is a spiritualist. My sister is Christian. My brother is as well. I am sure there is a whole plethora of different religions... but you know what... prayer worked! All different faiths, and they all prayed for one result, for my Dad to be healthy. I can't help but be amazed! There is so much power in prayer. I keep saying how lucky my Dad was. And he is lucky... but I am so certain that God had His hand in my dad's outcome. For that I am truly Grateful!


Moonpie's Mom said...


Joni said...

I hope he's continuing to do well with his recovery. If they need any help with anything, just let us know or if there's anything you guys need.