Friday, April 3, 2009

Busy couple of weeks ahead!

I am so excited... Jaker is turning FIVE next week! Can you believe it??? If you can, good for you because I certainly CANNOT! He is getting so big! I am so happy for him! He loves to write his name, and he does such a good job! He likes to write other names too, like Jokers name. Yesterday I sent an Easter Card to my brother, and Jaker insisted on writing his name in the card along with my brother's name and Joker's... pretty funny! Turtle came home and looked at it and was so surprised at the progress our little man is making! He loves to ask what letter a words starts with... he already knows the answer most of the time, but he loves to do it, and it makes me so happy! He is drawing different bugs at preschool. It is amazing how accurate he is too... he has drawn a Grasshopper, Bumblebee, and a Ladybug. I attribute all of his progress to his preschool Little Learners Academy. Seriously, they work wonders! He loves it there! Which brings me to my next point... I am happy to announce through many blessings and much generousity, Jaker will be attending Private Kindergarten at Little Learners Academy. I am so relieved. The thought of sending him to a big Elementary school scares me. I don't think he would do too well. I fear he would fall behind again, and get lost in the school... It was a big decision for us to make, but we are happy with the decision. The teachers at Little Learners are so excited to keep him for another year!
So here's a question for all of you that read this, what is the process from here? Do I have to notify the school district? Do I have to provide proof that he has completed Kindergarten? I have no clue, OBVIOUSLY!
The following week (April 18th) is a big day for me! It's my half marathon! I am so STOKED! I can't express how excited I am to complete this race... Just the accomplishment will mean the world to me... If I can do this... the next big step is... FULL MARATHON! I owe a big shout to my running partner Mindurs! I just love running with her... and I have gotten to know her quite a bit! It's amazing what you talk about when you run at 6am!
The following weekend I am volunteering for the Race for the Cure! I am interested to see if anyone wants to run this with me... If there's enough people, I would love to create a team! It is such a humbling experience... It really is neat! It's a race full of emotion... you see people from all different angles... lots of people run for someone they know that has either passed away from the disease, fought the disease, or is currently fighting... If you are interested, know that you don't have to run! You can walk! It is amazing either way! Let me know if you are interested!


leadatortilla said...

That sounds great for Jaker - hopefully it means smaller class sizes and that's ALWAYS a good thing. And even better - that he loves being there. I signed up for my first 5K for the 18th! Not quite the half marathon - but it's a start! Best of luck on your big run next weekend!

Mindurs said...

I am so glad that you can keep Jakers in a school that he is doing so well in!

As for running partners you are the best! There is no way I would have been able to train for the half marathon with out you. I am serious when I say thank you!