Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Big Race....

I had a fabulous experience yesterday running the Half Marathon in Salt Lake City!
Personal Favorites:
1. Warming up at 6 am when it was only 40 degrees outside (that's a guess, but wow it was cold!)
2. Getting up at 4:4oam to get ready... I was so nervous!
3. The Baptist choir that sang as we were warming up. They were really good. I loved how they sang the National Anthem. Made me feel like a real athelete!
4. I loved running along the streets of Salt Lake and seeing all the posters people were holding, or had staked in their front yard... personal fave said "Run Happy!"
5. I loved the spectators. It was amazing how many people were out cheering on the runners. It really did boost my energy!
6. Seeing the little kids sitting on the side of the road holding their hands out for the runners to give them a High Five!
7. Beautiful dogs on the side of the road. Big Golden Retrievers(personal fave) german shepherds, border collies, so many dogs! I love animals can you tell!
8. I loved getting towards the end of the race and realizing... Oh my goodness... it's almost over already???
9. I loved that the runners came in all shapes, sizes, ages, colors... truly a very open sport... I think I ran half the race along side a kid that was no older than my nephew Kyle. I would get ahead of him, but he always seemed to catch up to me!
10. Crossing that finish line. Amazing feeling came through me. It was AMAZING! Such a sense of accomplishment! I can't express it! I loved calling Turtle to see where he was at, and he was still parking the car! I finished "earlier" than we planned! SUCH A GREAT FEELING! I finished in 2 hours 2 minutes and some change... do the math, about 9 and 1/2 minute miles!!!
Here are some pictures of my big day! Courtesy of my awesome sister in law Joni:


Mindurs said...

You did so awesome girl! You worked HARD for this and I am glad you finished with an amazing time.

I owe all of my credit in running the race to you. Seriously, if I didn't have such a dedicated running partner I would have never gotten up to run and then you pushed me to run harder and faster than I ever have before. THANK YOU! Plus you were such a good listener and help me work through some ugliness in my life. You are the GREATEST! We are still running in the mornings - right!

Joni said...

You did it! Way to go!!

Swain Family said...

Thats Awesome way to go!!

leadatortilla said...

YOU GO GIRL!!! I'm so happy for you and I think you are AMAZING!