Friday, August 7, 2009

Back To School...

Lastnight Turtle and I loaded up the kiddos and went to Back to School Night. It was a great experience. I have heard lots of things about the school my boys will go to. Some good. Some Bad. I, being a self proclaimed pessimist, usually run with the negative and don't give anything a chance unless I have heard raving reviews from absolutely everyone, oh and their dog too! Many of you know that I have Jaker enrolled in a private school for Kindergarten! We are still planning on taking him there. It starts in September, and I KNOW he will LOVE it and he will be FABULOUS there! I had absolutely NO intentions of sending him to public school this year... mainly because he has some issues with learning and I was certain that he would fall behind. (Hey I totally admit I am a pessimist alright!!!)
So what changed my mind? Here it goes... last week, Jake's teacher Mrs. P called. She wanted to know why he wasn't at his assessment. I talked to her on the phone for a good 15 min. She is fantastic! I totally mean it too! So I decided to take Jake in to meet her. She really worked with him. She would ask him a question, and when she could see he wasn't quite getting it, she would ask it a different way... seeing how she worked with him, listening to her talk to me, I was sold. So that is how I decided to take Jake to TWO schools. I know, he may get exhausted and if it is too much, we will make changes...
Back to our evening last night. We were sitting in an assembly setting, (Jake did awesome BTW!) and we watched a slide show of the kiddos up at school last year. They genuinely had fun! You could see it in their cute little faces! I have to admit, I got a little emotional even. I am so excited for my Jakeman! He loves school so much! I am so happy that he does! I am excited for him to make friends, meet teachers, have recess, doughnuts with daddy, breakfast with books... gosh... there is so much for that little kid to experience! I can't wait to cheer him on every step of the way!!!! I still can't believe I am old enough to have a school aged child, but that's another post in and of itself!

1 comment:

Mindurs said...

Ang I am glad everything is working out. I hope Jakers does well in both schools!