Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's official!

Jake is a Kindergartener!!! I know! I can't believe it either!
This morning it was like he was an old pro! I went in to wake him up at about 7:30am. I was ever so sweet and told him it was time to get up for school. Half asleep he lifts his head up, looks at me, and says..."Mom, It's kindergarten, NOT SCHOOL!"
Okay... whatever makes you happy buddy!
So he gets up and dressed. He was quite excited to wear one of his new "Kindergarten" shirts. He has been wanting to wear them since I bought them about a week ago. Today was the day... and boy was he happy!
As we headed out the door he insisted on riding his bike. After all, Derek (our neighbor) is riding his bike, and Allie (our next door neighbor) is riding her bike, so of course, he has to ride his bike too! He was so cute! In fact he was so cute, I forgot his HELMET! Duh!
We almost made it up to school when Daddy came to join us walk him to his class. He was so thrilled! It means a lot to him when Daddy is there! He went right to his class and yelled, "BYE MOM! BYE DAD!!" No problem leaving us at the door! I am happy he is so comfortable!
I miss my little guy! But I am so excited for him too!
Here are some pics! Forgive me, I am nothing close to a photographer, but ya get the idea!


Andrea Griggs said...

Look at that big Kindergartener! He looks ready-what a big boy. I'm so glad he was comfortable and excited. I hope it's a great experience for both of you!

Greg and Lara said...

So any chance we'll see you at the lake on Saturday? i know you guys are really super busy, but that can't keep me from hoping...

leadatortilla said...

Oh So cute!!! I can't believe he is already going! But I just remembered that there are year-round schools in SLC... wow! Way to go Jakers. When on earth are we going to get together? I feel so bad that I was moody when we went to the pool with you guys. Something about nursing and missing feedings that just makes me a little unreasonable. I'm sorry for that. I hope you'll give me another chance. And plus, I'm done nursing - so I feel human again! toodles,

Tamra said...

He did it, he grew up. I love the photo of him on his bike heading out into the big world. So cute.

Alisa said...

Wohoo!! Wow, is it really school time already? Congrats, big kiddo!

Joni said...

He's such a big boy! :)