Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I went to the District today to do some shopping. Thanks to the OODLES of construction on New Bingham Hwy (c'mon people...when you see cones merging your lanes...why wait til the last minute! DUH!) I had lots of time to think. The boys were both conked out ever so peacefully in their carseats. I thought about change. Things are changing pretty quick in our house with Baby # 3. For example...
1. I used to run 4 miles several times a week (does 3+ times constitute several???) That was my exercise... and boy it felt good! Now???? My exercise consists of walking Jake & Joe to Oakcrest Elem. twice a day. Not quite the intensity...but let me tell you, I am BEAT!
2. After doing the "fat club" thing last year, I have been super duper conscious of what I eat. Now??? Not so much. If it doesn't make me nauseas, I am totally gonna eat it.
3. I used to eat (or try to anyway) 2 fruits a day. Now... not gonna happen. Don't get me wrong... it is a great idea, but man the smell... why does it have to SMELL so strongly!!! GAG!
4. Before I was content with the Pilot. Now... minivan sounds really super duper nice right now. (Too bad Turtle isn't taking the bait!) Don't get me wrong, I love the Pilot, I really do. It drives, it's comfortable, it's a nice car... but man whoever engineered those back seats, didn't take account the size of American Car Seats... they are about two inches TOO WIDE! So when Jaker sits in the back, I have to hang upside down over the back seat, full view of my toosh out the back hatch (not pretty I'm telling you!), lift up one side of his booster seat, while trying to finagle the seat belt with the other hand. Yeah... really...it is that tough! By the time I am done, I am hot, sweaty, my hair is a mess (oh wait that's normal!) and I am in a bad mood!
As I was thinking of these changes... I can't express how excited I am. Absolutely ECSTATIC! I am gonna have three little angels... and I can't tell you how blessed I feel. I am so happy, and I know how lucky I am. Jake mentions all the time how fun it will be. I think the boys will be FANTASTIC big brothers! Jake has had lots of practice, and Joe... I think he will catch on pretty quick!

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