Saturday, October 17, 2009


I am in a major slump. I hate to admit it, but... I am. I have motivation to do absolutely nothing, except maybe eat! I have been this way since we got back from Disney last month. It's almost like a depression in a way. Like, "Oh, now we are back to real life!" Bummer! I can't say my house has ever been in more disarray than it has been thise past month. I try to pick up the pieces, I try to make it presentable... but I just have that "Bleh!" feeling. I need to snap out of it pretty dang quick. If the house isn't tidy, I ain't happy!
We have had a hectic couple of weeks. Doing what I don't know, but boy have we been busy. Between taking Jaker to and from school twice a day, taking him to swim once a week, and of course reading and homework everyday, I have quite a bit of time occupied... then you add in all the house work, running errands, grocery shopping, etc, it's almost like the days need an extra hour or two.
While we have been super busy, we have had some fun too. The kids had a playdate with their fave friends Ashton and Ransom. That brightened up their month. They keep asking when we can go see them again! They also had a playdate at McD's with Ethan and Logan and of course that was a huge hit... but other than that, their schedule is pretty full... at least Jaker's is.
Sometimes I feel bad because he doesn't have much of a social life being in school all day. I feel guilty because his playtime during the day isn't much since he has two schools worth of homework. The homework is fun of course, but it's with mom and dad, not with his buds. I know we are doing the right thing for now. He is thriving like it's no ones business. His teachers are impressed, and he is doing well.... maybe I am just a worry wart!
Anyhow, that's our life in a nutshell!

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Doesn't have a social life because he's in school all day? Hon, school IS a kid's social life! I'm sure he's having a great time!