Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy Birthday To TURTLE!!!

I just have to give a shout out to my Hubby and wish him the HAPPIEST of Birthday's today! Words don't adequately express how much I LOVE and ADMIRE this guy!
Just a few of my favorite things about my sweet hubby!
~ Doting Daddy!
~ Willing to go without so me and the kids get whatever we need!
~ Handsome as ever!
~Physically active... I mean really is there any sport you don't participate in Turtle?
~ Easy to shop for... pretty much anything in REI will suit his fancy!
~Good with our finances.
~Not afraid to change some pretty nasty diapers.
~Takes all three kids so I can have some "Girl Time!"

Overall... just the best all around guy! Love ya babe!

1 comment:

Greg and Lara said...

HAPPY BIRHTDAY!!! I never forget my twin cousin's birthday! By the way, very funny about the REI presents--Greg is the same way. In fact, I just got him a backpack from REI for his birthday last Sunday!