Friday, March 12, 2010


It has been a busy week in our house! We have had lots and lots of fun... okay not all fun and games, but a good mix of good and bad.
To start off the week, Turtle and I went to see the doctor about some complications I was having. After some minor torture, several tears on my part, and several FOUR letter words being exclaimed in my head, I am happy to report things are getting better, and I finally feel like I am on the mend. No more pain medicine = one happy mommy! I really don't like feeling dopey... and let's be honest just a little bit and I am completely off in my own little world.
Miss Courtney has also hit the two week mark. Holy cow! I can't believe it! It doesn't seem like that long at all! She is such a joy to have home! We all love her to pieces. The boys have been PHENOMENAL with her. I truly mean that. I couldn't ask for better boys! They have been great little helpers! They love to pick out her outfits, help give her bottles, help change diapers, and pick out hair bows! I am so BLESSED! Three children that LOVE eachother! What more could I ask for! At her most recent Dr. appt. she is proving to be a tiny little girl, but she is growing with the best of them! We are having so much fun!
Turtle and I celebrated 10 YEARS of marriage! No Really! TEN YEARS! (Feel free to send Turtle your condolences! he he he!) We celebrated by purchasing a nice camera and going out to dinner without children at a nice little restaurant downtown! IT WAS SCRUMPTIOUS! We had a great evening just being together! I am so grateful for my fabulous hubby. He does so much for me and our children! LIFESAVER is the only word I can use to describe him! After having Miss Courtney, he has been there for everything to help me get back on my feet. I am grateful he has the patience to tolerate my high strung, high stress self! Man I love this man!
Tonight we decided we would take the boys and have a little date just the four of us! We left the princess with Gramma and Grampa and we took the boys to the mall to ride the carousel, and of course the Elevator and the Escalator! SIMPLE JOYS! I love that my boys are completely thrilled for a simple night of cheese sticks, fries and elevator rides! They bring me so much happiness. I am so grateful for my boys! It was fun to just do whatever would make their day! Even riding the escalator 7 times each way... just the joy in their faces was enough to make my night! I have felt guilty for the past three weeks since I haven't been able to really do much. It was fun to just cater to what they wanted and see them get out of the house! Man I love being a mom!


leadatortilla said...

I think that rides on the elevator/escalator are a GREAT idea! Why didn't I think of that? Congrats on the 10 year - may the next ten be twice as great! Love you all so much.

Alisa said...

That's all Ella and Maiya ever want to do...ride the escalators/elevators! Hehee!

Congrats on 10 years--I'm so glad you were able to escape for a night together!