Friday, March 26, 2010

One Month, are you Serious?

I still can't believe it, but Miss Courtney is ONE MONTH old!!! Time is flying! She is super sweet, and the boys dote on her like you wouldn't believe! I love how protective they are and how much they love to hold her, feed her, pick out her hair bows, clothing, pajamas, diapers etc. She is very well taken care of.
~At this point in the game she gets up between once and twice a night to eat.
~She loves to be held. When I say love, I mean REALLY and truly love it... that's all she wants somedays.
~She weighs about 9 lbs, that's just an estimate using my scale and weighing myself with and without her.
~She is growing out of Newborn size clothing way fast, 0-3 month clothes actually don't swamp her anymore.
~She likes to swing (like the boys!) but not for as long of duration.
~She loves her daddy, and personally I think she has him wrapped around her little finger, but I could be wrong.
~She loves those Soothie Binkies and wants nothing to do with the cute little MAM binkies that I paid SIX BUCKS for!
All in all, she is a bundle of love and we are grateful she is healthy and happy just like our fabulous sons!


Alisa said...

Oh...she is SOOO beautiful! You are going to have SOOO much fun with a girl!!

Congrats on the tooth fairy visiting the house. Hmm...I want a $100 tooth fairy, too!

leadatortilla said...

REALLY??!? 1 month already?!? WOW!! And love that pic of "turtle" holding his little girl - so sweet and tender. I also loved the post about the tooth fairy and 2 teeth in one night - IMPRESSIVE!!