Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Being a Mommy

As I sit down here in my basement, I can hear my sons' feet running across the floor upstairs. Laughter is roaring as they make weird noises, and call eachother boo-boo's. (weird I know but they are boys.) I look at my daughter, she smiles. Her bright blue eyes are studying just about everything around her. She loves to swing. Moreso she loves the animal print on cushion and surround on the swing. She stares at it, the mobile, and she has the biggest smile, I have even heard a little laugh come out of her!
Lastnight while at the gym, I thought of these things. They are simple things. Oftentimes I get annoyed when my sons are noisy, when they run around the house, when they call eachother goofy names, when they ask question after question, WHY?, How Come?, When? etc. BUT, as I was running lastnight, I thought, what a joy it is to be a mommy. Truly. I love every minute of it. Are there times I am a little frantic? YEP! Are there times I just want some quiet? Absolutely! Are there times that I WISH Miss Courtney would sleep through the night? Once again, OF COURSE!
Yesterday I was prepping a bottle for Courtney. Joe was asleep on his bed. Courtney was swinging and Jake was just a talkin'. Non-stop. Questions. Answers. Telling me about Mrs. Parker (his teacher.) I looked at him, and I just noticed, my goodness he is growing up. I see my children every day. But do I really see them? Do I really take in every moment I can? Do I see the joy in their eyes when they learn something new? Or am I just rushing through the day to get the tasks done.... I hate to admit this, but the latter is the answer for me. I rush through so much, and I neglect to see the little things.
I am extremely happy to stay home with the children. I am happy to make their three meals a day. To give them snacks. To make their beds. To kiss their boo-boos. To teach them our phone #, to teach them to put their clothes away. To bathe them. To referee fights. To discipline. To make them clean up their toys. To teach them to pray. To teach them about why we have bugs, spiders (EWW!!!), snakes, and dogs! I never thought when I was growing up, or even when I had Jake, that I would enjoy being home with my little ones as much as I do. Honestly, one of life's greatest blessings!