Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Three months.... ALREADY?

Little Courtney hit the three month mark this week!
YIKES! She is growing up fast!
At this point in the game she is a sweet little baby, who absolutely ADORES her daddy and her big brothers. (They adore her too!) She weighs about 12 lbs. (this is with me on the scale and then subtracting my weight!). She still has those bright blue eyes, and the hair... wow it is coming in! She has really fine hair, and it sticks straight up! Love it! Her favorite thing to do is swing, and kick and wiggle on the floor! She sleeps pretty good, usually getting up once a night at 4AM. Sometimes she sleeps through the night, but not consistently yet! She loves to be held... and she loves to coo and stick her tongue out. She loves her binky, but she will not touch those cutesy MAM binkies... it has to be the standard green hospital binky! So cute! She doesn't mind having her brothers kissing and hugging on her all the time and will usually look around to see them if she hears them in the room! We as a family are so grateful for her, and just love her to pieces!


Jensens said...

My goodness! She is so gorgeous!

leadatortilla said...

such a pretty girl!! And that was a fast 3 months!

Alisa said...

Seriously? 3 months already?! Wow...she is sooooo beautiful!