Sunday, May 16, 2010

Not spoiled... Just LOVED!

I see this phrase on license plate frames all the time, and frankly I roll my eyes. However, I couldn't think of a better phrase for this post... so there ya go!
At the end of April, I turned 31. Yes... 31! I hardly feel mature enough to be 31. I still act like I am a teenager I swear! I guess no matter what your age is, if you act young, you are young!
My family went out of their way this year to SPOIL ME! Yes Spoiled! I admit it!!!
I received new p.j's, a necklace, a great book, gift cards, and a gym membership!
I have loved everything!
Starting about two weeks ago I started going to the gym. I LOVE IT! I am addicted! I get super sore, and I LOVE IT! It's my way to gauge whether I am working hard enough! I started running on the treadmill. I am not happy to admit this, but after 25 min. of running I am totally POOPED! It's amazing what a year will do. Last April, I ran a half marathon in 2 hours... this year, I can't even make it 4 miles!
Along with all of the goods I received, Turtle bought me a BOSCH! Yep, you got it... a BOSCH! Am I spoiled? Ummmm that would be an absolute YES!!!! But I must say I have used it... LOTS! It isn't something that just sits in the cabinet... it is used at least twice a week! I started making my own bread... (Thanks Manda for the tutorial!). It is so yummy! I have to admit I am pretty proud of my little domestic self!

1 comment:

The Simkins Family said...

Hey there, so excited you're enjoying the gym. I've been wanting to start making our bread sounds yummy!!!! Glad you got spoiled you deserve it: -)