Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fun trip to the Lake!

This weekend we had a Spur-of-the-Moment trip planned! It was FANTASTIC! I mean that in every way possible. It kinda was talked about last Friday, but nothing really set in stone. Turtle talked to his best buddy Oli Monday or Tuesday, kinda kicked a few ideas around, and bam, by Thursday, we are planning the last minute details in time to take off for Bear Lake on Thursday Night. (Yep, you read that right, Jaker missed a day of KINDERGARTEN! I am so going to H-E-double Hockey Sticks!)
We stayed at our friends cabin which is right by the lake. Super cool, Super Fun, and Super Convenient! The boys loved it! We had great food, great friends, great WATER (oh yes, talk about temptation for me!) and of course great scenery. Ang, my good friend really knows how to cook! I had salmon steak for the first time, and I LIKED IT! It was AWESOME! We really got spoiled this weekend!
Luckily my parents took in the pooch. He had a great time with them, frankly I think he enjoyed the R & R, that came with the peace and tranquility of the G-parents home! He got a little depressed that we left him, but my parents made it up to him! G-pa is great about letting Magellan follow him everywhere he went, they have a bond. Every animal loves my dad I swear (okay maybe not our cat Peach we had when I was growing up... but you know most animals!)
We got back this afternoon! It was such a nice weekend! We are so lucky!
Here is a quote from the weekend I had to share....
Jake: "Mom, put your ski on!"
Me: "Jake, I'm not skiing, I have a baby in my belly."
Jake: "So, what's it gonna fall out???"
***I cracked up quite a bit at that one!****


Alisa said...

Oh Oh yes, please make sure that baby doesn't fall out of your tummy!!! :-)

leadatortilla said...

LOL!! Sounds like it was fabulous and I'm glad that baby didn't fall out!