Friday, March 20, 2009

Kite Flying Weather!

Yesterday we were at the Smith's Marketplace when lo and behold, Jaker found the kite of his dreams!!!! Was it Lightning Mcqueen??? Nope (Gramma and Grampa have that one) was it Spiderman??? Nope! Try again! (Gramma and Grampa have that one too!) The next best one was BUMBLEBEE! you know from Transformers? (I don't really like the show, but Turtle and the kids do!) Ever since we got back from our getaway Jaker has been dreaming of a kite at his own house! So I decided to sacrifice the three bucks and get him one. Holy cow! That is the best three bucks I've spent in a long time! That kite kept Jaker and the Jokester occupied for about two hours!!! I tried to explain to Jaker that we needed wind, and it didn't feel real windy outside... but he insisted! He said his Grampa flew a kite with no wind! So I had a challenge....(Thanks for being so amazing DAD!)
So after a few minutes... I DID IT!!! You should have seen the look in the kids eyes! Absolute DELIGHT! It was like a MAGIC TRICK or even BETTER!!! Bumblebee soared up way high! Super high into the sky! It was so fun to watch the boys faces! EUPHORIA overcame them, and I am not exaggerating! They were cheering on little Bumblebee telling him to fly higher and Higher! Jaker did mention to Bumblebee... "Please don't fly away!" But the height was cool!
Unfortunately Bumblebees flight was cut short... turns out they do need wind!!!
So after the kite flying we took a quick ride around the block!

Up, Up and AWAY!

Tell me this kid doesn't look like DADDY!

Jaker riding the Bumblebee Bike!

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