Thursday, March 19, 2009


It's been a tough week back on the job of being a mommy. Was it because I was so spoiled over the weekend? Who knows! I really struggle being away from the boys for more than 24 hours, but then I get back to them, and they drive me batty! What is up with all the fighting? Seriously!!! They fight non stop! They fight over cars, bikes, wagons, happy meal toys, root beer, who sits where... all day long!!!! Should I tune them out? How do you keep yourself sane???
Last week, I went to my little Jaker's SEP. I have to say I left there a bit irritated. Yeah, thats right irritated! I get so frustrated hearing teachers say, "Oh he can't do this. He doesn't know this. etc." But when I ask him... he tells me the right answer. For instance they told me Jaker can't identify his mouth, back or chest. Really? Are you sure about that? So I asked him... just to be sure I am not on a soapbox or something... and sure enough he knew what I was talking about. Then they say Jaker doesn't know how to write the fundamental shapes for writing such as - O /l. Once again, I am thinking really??? The kid can write his name, which might I add requires all of those shapes. Is it perfect handwriting???, no, but the kid is only FOUR! And his handwriting is legible.
Turtle and I talked about this. Both of us entered into kindergarten not knowing how to write our names. I asked my sweet mommy to be sure, and she said... nope you didn't. But here's the thing.. IT WASN'T THAT BIG OF A DEAL! My parent's didn't stress, and I am pretty sure Turtle's parents didn't either because that was normal. It seems like now, they have discovered that some kids are able to write their names by kindergarten and now all of the sudden that is the new requirement/expectation! I am not saying this is a bad thing... but I can't believe all the pressure that is on five year olds. We went to school to learn to read and write when I was Jaker's age... now they expect reading and writing before entrance... (Okay so I am exaggerating) but that is the feeling I get.
I look at Turtle and I... We aren't brilliant people, nor are we genius. But we are normal, and we went to school without all of these expectations... why stress a five year old so much???
There, got that off my chest!


Andrea Griggs said...

I agree-I thought is was INSANE when Jaxon had homework in Kindergarten, they expect a lot more from kids today. It's a lot of pressure. Does he start Kindergartenthis year or next?

The Robbins said...

oh man, after reading that, I am irritated!! No one wants to hear anything negative about their child, even if its true, let alone if its NOT!! You are not alone in thinking those are high expectations for a four year old. I have a feeling I might go thru the same thing with my child. He is only 3, but he wont ever color, draw, write, anything, he hates it. So I am sure he won't be "ahead" or "on target" compared to other kids. Already I see so many differences between him and other kids in his primary class. But, I know there is a lot of capability differences in kids this young. And your son sounds like he is AHEAD to me!! Don't let what they said get you down at all!