Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Weekend Off!

This weekend for our anniversary, Turtle and I decided to take off! We left the kids with my parents and Turtle's parents and off we went for some fun! Holy cow! It is amazing how relaxing life can be without the children!

First stop, our favorite restaurant ever:

We absolutely LOVE this place! Great food... lots of food, and for a decent price! Can't be beat! Oh, and Killer rolls! Love the rolls! We had such a good lunch, we really didn't need dinner. We were SO FULL!
After lunch, it was of to...

Anyone who knows Turtle, knows this is his ultimate favorite store. It's like heaven to him! We hung out in REI for 2 hours!!! It was so much fun! It was just like the good ol' days, when we could spend that much time in there because we didn't have little ones tearing the place up! So much fun! In the end, Turtle got some super cool gear, for his birthday (that's coming up you know)...
Then we were off to our final destination...

We had the opportunity to stay in my parent's timeshare and it was SO NICE! So RELAXING and SO BEAUTIFUL! Oh my did we love it up there! We hung out up there watched movies and then on Saturday it was of to....

HOLY COW! We had SO MUCH FUN!!!! Turtle gave me a quick ski lesson and then we were off! We had such a great time! The sun was shining! The skies were blue, no wind... it was GREAT! I loved every minute of it! I even skiied intermediate runs (ok only four times but still!!) and I loved it! It was the best I have ever felt on a pair of skis! Turtle did the dangerous stuff (does that surprise you???) for a bit and then we met up and went back to the condo! We were both so exhausted... we relaxed while watching Tommy Boy! It's a CLASSIC!
By Saturday night, I so desperately missed my boys! I called Gramma Sue, and unfortunately Joe had a yucky tummy and had been throwing up the night before... I so wanted to be there for my sweet boy, but I knew he was in great hands! I really missed my boys. WE had lots of fun without them, and it gave us a great opportunity to build on our relationship! At the same time, it made me realize how much I love my little dudes! Turtle and I are so blessed to have them in our lives! Even when they are handfuls, and they fight, and scream and squawk, and terrorize "Gellan" they are the best thing that ever happened to us!
Thank you to my parents and Turtle's parents for entertaining, taking care of, loving, and cleaning up after our boys! We sure missed them, but we had lots of fun! Thanks for your help!!!

1 comment:

leadatortilla said...

That sounds like FUN! And I'm impressed with your skiing adventure... very impressed!