Sunday, December 28, 2008

ManI LOVE this Season!

It is a Fantastic Time of Year! Our family has been so blessed! Unbelievably blessed. During all the fun this month, I have been reminded over and over, of just how blessed we are! Here are the top ten!
1. Beautiful home to keep us warm, (until Christmas morning when our power was out! 63 degrees isn't that warm!)
2. Fabulous Family. It's been great to see everyone & participate in all the festivities.
3. Cool neighbors. Wow! do we have cool neighbors We have been spoiled with lots of yummy treats. There is some serious talent in our neighborhood. Martha Stewart STEP ASIDE!
4. Good health. How lucky we are that we are healthy. Turtle and I both know friends struggling with life threatening illness (cancer).Hearing and seeing what they go through makes JA's little pukie episode last night, no biggie.
5. Financial means. We are not financially rich. Not even close. But I am so grateful Turtle has a rockin' job that pays the bills.
6. Nature's beauty. I love snow. Which is probably a good thing since it has snowed 4 out of the last 6 days!
7. Children. What would I do without my sweet, sometimes naughty, amazing little boys. JS & JA make this season great!
8. Friends. We have really good friends. Nothing beats playing Rock Band until 1:00am with adults! We loved it!
9. Food. Does the food get any better? I have had some wonderful food this month!
10. Fun! I love the fun of this season! It is fun to shop, surprise & find the deals! I love the family parties, friend get togethers, company parties & of course the kids programs & dance recitals!

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