Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Mommy Tag... This is so cute!

The Mommy Tag
1. What time do you wake up? Usually around 7:45am
2. On a good night, what time are your kids in bed? Usually by 9PM
3. How long have you been a mommy? 4 Years 8 Months and 5 days 5 hours and approx. 30 min.
.4. How old were you when you became a mom? I as two weeks shy of 25 when JS was born
5. What is your favorite chore? Definitely Vaccuming
6. What is your favorite meal to cook? I would have to say Enchiladas
7. What meal do you cook most often? Hmmm... thats a tough one.
8. What are 5 things about being a mom that make you smile? 1. Hugs from the Boys 2. Rocking the boys to sleep 3. When JS is completely honest even when he knows he is in deep trouble! 4. When I hear the boys say their prayers... JA is mainly just mumbling with an AMEN! at the end, JS is totally sweet. 5.When the boys do something and they are totally proud of it, like when JS makes his bed!
9. If you could take your kids anywhere, where would it be? I would say DisneyLand, I know the boys will love it!
10. When was the last time you went out without your kids? Last night when Turtle and I went Christmas Shopping.
11. What is your most heartbreaking moment as a mom? Watching Jake struggle through his testing for the Developmental Preschool. And when both the boys had to have their Eye Ducts probed open.
12. When was the last time you told one of your kids I love you? A few minutes ago.
13. When was the last time you were told I love you? 20 minutes ago.
I tag anyone who wants to do it!

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