Tuesday, July 21, 2009

You might be _____ if...

1. You eat a small amount of ice cream and suddenly feel the urge to vomit.
2. You are super way hungry, but nothing sounds appealing.
3. You are extremely happy one moment, and crying or angry the next.
4. You could sleep 10 hours each night, and still have the need to take a nap in the afternoon.
5. You are hot and sweaty when your house is at 70 degrees.
6. The thought of eating certain foods kinda makes you heave.
7. Things that never bothered you in the past, all the sudden DRIVE YOU BATTY!
8. You feel overweight, but you haven't gained a pound.
10. You can drink a liter of water and you are still thirsty.
11. You get excited to take your kids to Chuck E Cheese, then you get there and you are ready to go home.
12. You suddenly have the strong need/desire for PERSONAL SPACE!!!
13. Exercise sounds like a good thing to do, but you know you have no energy to do anything.
14. You look at your children and are reminded how much you love them.
15. Suddenly a Mini Van sounds like the way to go! Let's be practical!
16. You take a pregnancy test and it comes out POSITIVE!

Yep... you got it... We are expecting our third child. We are super way excited. I am just about 8 weeks, and it is super early. I am not feeling all that great, okay not great at all... but I am still surviving and enjoying every minute of it. Hopefully we have a healthy happy baby! We are very grateful for this pregnancy!


Jenn McGee said...

Wow congrats Ang! I hope everything runs smooth for you!

Andrea Griggs said...

Congratulations! I hope you have a good pregnancy! Let me know if you need help with anything or just need to take a nap-I'd be happy to watch your kids for you.

Sara said...

Congrats to you guys. That is very exciting!!

Alicia said...

Congrats! :)

Greg and Lara said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! THAT IS SO AWESOME! I am so happy for you guys. Love the way you posted it - very clever. I knew after the 1st one. :)

leadatortilla said...

Woo-Hoo!!! Congrats! I'm so happy for you and excited for you - I'm amazed how you add a little spirit to your home and suddenly, you wonder how you ever lived without him! (or her?!?!) I hope you start to feel better quick.

Swain Family said...

Congrats again!

Tamra said...

Yeah!! A baby, congratulations. I am glad you are not feeling the negative side effects of the first trimester-did you with your others? Hopefully it stays that way. You are a great mom, what a lucky baby to come to such a good family.

Tamra said...

Oops, I read that wrong, your not feeling at all great. Ok that totally sucks! I am so very sorry. I hate the sick phase. I would totally do natural childbirth twice is I could skip the first 4 months of yuck and vomiting. If you need any help please, please let me know. But my congratulations still stands.

Alisa said...

Wahooo! I had no idea!! Congrats!!